IIIF Image API: Image Information Request URI Syntax

The IIIF Image API URI for requesting an image must conform to the following URI Template:


Response (JSON-LD)

    tiles: [
        scaleFactors: [
        width: 128,
        height: 128
        scaleFactors: [
        width: 256,
        height: 256
        scaleFactors: [
        width: 512,
        height: 512
    protocol: "http://iiif.io/api/image",
    profile: [
    @id: "http://localhost:8080/image/v2/bsb00026283_00041",
    @context: "http://iiif.io/api/image/2/context.json",
    width: 4512,
    height: 6420
Technical Property Required? Description
@context Required The context document that describes the semantics of the terms used in the document. This must be the URI: http://iiif.io/api/image/2/context.json for version 2.1 of the IIIF Image API. This document allows the response to be interpreted as RDF, using the JSON-LD serialization.
@id Required The base URI of the image as defined in URI Syntax, including scheme, server, prefix and identifier without a trailing slash.
@type Optional The type for the Image. If present, the value must be the string iiif:Image.
protocol Required The URI http://iiif.io/api/image which can be used to determine that the document describes an image service which is a version of the IIIF Image API.
width Required The width in pixels of the full image content, given as an integer.
height Required The height in pixels of the full image content, given as an integer.
profile Required A list of profiles, indicated by either a URI or an object describing the features supported. The first entry in the list must be a compliance level URI.
sizes Optional A set of height and width pairs the client should use in the size parameter to request complete images at different sizes that the server has available. This may be used to let a client know the sizes that are available when the server does not support requests for arbitrary sizes, or simply as a hint that requesting an image of this size may result in a faster response. A request constructed with the w,h syntax using these sizes must be supported by the server, even if arbitrary width and height are not.
tiles Optional A set of descriptions of the parameters to use to request regions of the image (tiles) that are efficient for the server to deliver. Each description gives a width, optionally a height for non-square tiles, and a set of scale factors at which tiles of those dimensions are available.